Douglas volunteer legend looks for successor
Friday November 21 2014, 5:00pm

By Rick Stoker
Former Volunteer of the Year James Watson takes great pride in his community and has spent many hours selflessly beautifying and upgrading the nature stirp in Nautilus Street.
The strip is approximately 400 long and 25 metres wide.
For this, a plaque was dedicated to his efforts in 2011.
While so engaged, from time to time James appealed for assistance and received some, but as he got older he could not maintain the physicality of the work.
When examining the strip on Friday, he described it as 'a shameful deterioration'.
One of the problems has been thast no-one has bothered to activate the manually-operated sprinkler system.
Now that he is 80 years of age, looking after the nature strip is beyond James and he's hoping someone will pick up the baton and continue this community work.