Testing, windy conditions at 500-metre shoot

Testing, windy conditions at 500-metre shoot

Friday October 24 2014, 11:30am

By Steve Cruickshank

Saturday saw four keen Target shooters turn out for what was a testing day at the range with extremely windy conditions and a constantly shifting  mirage to test their marksmanship.

Malcolm Mckellar took honors in the Full Bore comp with a very good score of 102-6 followed closely by Neil Attwood on 101-5 and trailing in third place was Rick Mischlewski on 91-3. Mark Goulston opted to only shoot the first range with a score of 50-6 . A perfect score.

Neil Attwood was the first shooter to set up on the 500 meter mound. Neil opened with a 4 and a 5, he cut the 4 and went on to shoot Bulleyes, V bulls and a few super V bulls to gain a score of 48-4.

Malcolm Mckellar was next to stretch out behind his trusty 308 Full bore rifle after a two months absence from the range.  Mal opened with a super V bull and a bulleye and went on to emulate Attwoods score of 48-4.

Rick Mischlewski was the next  marksman to close his bolt on his Full Bore 308 rifle. Rick was having trouble with his sights and shot a pretty average score of 43 -2

Neil Attwood was down again behind his 308 Full bore rifle. Neil opened with a V bull and a bulleye,  he then went on to score a string of bulleyes and one V bull to gain a second range score of 53-1.

Malcolm Mckellar was again down on the mound for his second 500 meter 11 shot match. Mal opened with 4,s , cutting them he then went on to squeeze off a string of bull eyes and a few V bulls to gain a tally of 54-2 from a possible 55.

Rick Mischlewski was again behind his 308. Rick opened with a V bull and a 4, cutting them he went on to shoot a mediocre score of 48-1 from a possible 55.

Mark Goulston was next to take up his position behind a borrowed  Full bore 308 using a mechanical stand and a sand bag. Mark opened with 4,s cutting them, went on to squeeze off five V bulls, one super V bull and four Bull eyes to gain a perfect score of 50-6.

A good afternoon shoot was had by all. A big thanks to Jed Kemp for marking. The Club meets every Saturday at 1:00 pm. The range is situated half way between Port Douglas and Mossman on the Cook Highway. All interested persons are welcome to come along and try this great sport. We can supply a club rifle and tutoring if needed. Call Ron Schild on 40988244 to arrange.