Whale freed from net:Rainbow Beach

Whale freed from net off Rainbow Beach

Wednesday October 16 2014, 2:38pm

The Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol’s Marine Animal Release Team has successfully freed a juvenile whale from shark nets off Rainbow beach on the Sunshine Coast this afternoon.

Queensland Shark Control Program Manager Jeff Krause, from the Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol, said the 5 metre whale was badly entangled in the net.

“The Marine Animal Release Team was activated after a whale entanglement was reported by the government shark contractor this morning,” Mr Krause said.

“Sea conditions were very good and this enabled the team to cut the ropes off.

“Throughout the release the whale was relatively calm and was near the surface, which meant it could breathe easily.”

Approximately 20,000 whales are currently making their return journey at the end of the migration season.

This is only the eighth whale this migration season to be caught in shark control equipment in Queensland.

Anyone who spots a whale or other marine animal tangled in the shark control program equipment should call the 24-hour Shark Hotline on 1800 806 891.