Cairns nurse cleared of Ebola

Cairns nurse cleared of Ebola

Friday October 10 2014, 2:00pm

It was announced this morning by Queensland Health that Cairns nurse 
Sue Kovack, who was suspected of contracting Ebola has tested negative to the disease. 

Ms Kovack's case was the first suspected Ebola case in Australia.
Ms Kovack arrived back on Tuesday from Sierra Leone, where she had been working with the Red Cross.
Ms Kovack will still be monitored for signs of the virus for another 24 hours, followed by house isolation of 21 days.
This has bought closer to Douglas Shire residents the very real fact that an outbreak of Ebola could reach remoter communities, with air travel now more accessible than ever.
Further Information on Ebola and the nature of the disease can be found on everyday Health’s page
The United States has now had its first Ebola death and the population there is being warned against mass hysteria and blanket hypochondria if they develop cold or flu symptoms. 
Amy L Harman, assistant professor at Pitt’s Graduate School of Public Health warned against hysteria.

“I would also issue a word of caution that the public should have some perspective on this," she said."Even though this is the largest Ebola outbreak ever, there are other infectious diseases that cause millions of deaths per year — influenza, tuberculosis, dengue, malaria — but do not have the urban legend status of Ebola."