Sugar Festival Gala Charity Ball
Sugar Festival Gala Charity Ball at Mossman Shire Hall Fri 3rd Oct
24th September 2014, Wednesday
Organisers of this Gala Charity Ball being hosted in the Mossman Shire Hall are urging local residents and their friends and family to get behind this great event and support those in need and re-invigorate Mossman.
Douglas Shire Community Services Sugar Festival Gala Charity Ball is designed to be a traditional dinner and dance so bring your 'dancing shoes'.
The evening will be officially opened by our Mayor Julia Leu and there will be a monster raffle, historical display and short talk by Roy Weavers to explain the draft plans prepared but not yet confirmed for the future Sugar Harvest Festival starting in 2015.
The doors will be open from 5pm for any early birds to pop in and have a chat with 2015 Sugar Festival event managers Raelene McDonald and Roy Weavers.
And from 6.30pm ('til midnight) the ball gets going in earnest with a three course meal, live entertainment, dancing and fundraising fun.
The $95 per person ticket price includes a sumptuous 3 course meal prepared by Mojos, Licensed Bar – Drinks capped at $5, Lucky Door Prize, Monster Raffle,
Tony George Entertainment, Auction of a 2010 Signed NRL Grand Final St George Jersey.
There are also Bus transfers from Port Douglas and Wonga $5 return
Numbers are limited so book your tickets early
To Buy your tickets contact Desley Lloyd 0409 055 788 or email projects@dscsa.org.au
Further details available oat www.sugarfestival.com.au
Get a Table of ten together and have your business/organisation recognised
ALL proceeds are going to the replacement of a disability commuter van that transports 37 families in our community.