Council plans playground at Cape Trib beach path
Friday September 5 2014, 3:10pm
Douglas Shire Council is asking the community what they think of an idea to build a kids playground in Cape Tribulation at the corner of Avalon Street and Cape Tribulation Road.
Demand for a playground goes back to 2011, with council picking up the equipment in 2012 but being unable to find a suitable location to build the playground until now.
The playground would consist of a climbing castle with a slide, a balancing ropes and two sets of swings.
Avalon Street leads from Cape Tribulation Road to the beach past PK’s Jungle Village and is closed to vehicle traffic, consisting mainly of a dirt path.
Council has said that it will maintain pedestrian access to the toilet block and car parking already present on Avalon Street.
Local reaction to council’s request for feedback on their Facebook page has been positive, and PK’s director David Bruce-Smith, welcomed the idea.
“I think it’s a tremendous idea to have a playground there, there’s families with young children here but no facilities for them to play on,” said Mr Smith, himself a father of young children.
“We also see a lot of families coming up for day trips and besides the beach there isn’t actually that much for young kids to do.
“A playground here will definitely be well-utilised.”
What do you think?
Is Avalon Street a good place for a children’s playground or would somewhere else be better?
Leave a comment below.