Douglas surf club picks up 7 Age Champion awards at Palm Cove comp

Douglas surf club picks up 7 Age Champion awards at Palm Cove comp

Monday 25 August 2014, 12:02pm

By Kaz Stanaway

Port Douglas - Seven Age Champion awards at Palm Cove Carnival!

After wet & windy weather last week, Palm Cove turned on beautiful sunny conditions all weekend while hosting the Cairns Surf Life Saving Carnival.

On Sat there was barely a ripple on the surface, yet Sunday afternoon the wind & swell picked up, providing some exciting board & ironman competition.

Port Douglas club took a team of 55 competitors ranging in age from 7 to 63.

Results were fantastic with Port Douglas taking out the Age Champion awards for U8 Ruby Colbridge, U9 Sofia Cullen.

In the masters Nicky Innes, Kelly McNamara, Ed Lukin, Grant Knight, and Brian Markham all took out Age Champions in their groups - an exceptional result for the club!

In the All Age beach relay, arguably the best team fun of the weekend, we fielded 2 teams of 12, and won 2nd & 4th place.

Under 8s

Ruby Colbridge achieved 1st in Beach Sprint, 1st 500m beach run, 2nd Flags, 3rd Wade and was Age Champion. Addison Ramsey awarded 3rd wade, 5th deep wade. Zara Passlow & Isaac Lukin both competed well in all team and individual events, and represented their group in the all age relay.

Under 9s

Sofia Cullen was Age champion due to her results of 1st 500m beach run, 1st wade race, 2nd boards, 2nd flags, 2nd beach sprint, 4th surf race.

Daisy Colbridge 1st beach sprint, 2nd 500m beach run, 3rd surf race.

Sophia Cruz got 4th board race, Jasper Maunder was 4th in the 500m beach run, 6th flags.


Under 10s

8 boys and girls in this age group competed well in all team and individual events.

Stand outs were Jesse Smith with 1st in the board race, Hunta Langley 1st Flags, Jonte Revell 4th Flags, Corey Bickford 6th flags.

The team of Hunta Langley, Mercedes Ramsey, Daisy Colbridge and Jesse Smith were 3rd in the beach relay.

Thanks to Corey Bickford, Poppy Maunder, & Troy McNeil for all efforts.

Under 11s

This year this age group steps up to compete in their first Ironman event. Just completing this is a major achievement, so awesome effort to Sophie Knight 2nd, and Yolanda Passlow, Kade Bickford, Oliver Lukin & Zane Collins. Sophie also won 1st Surf race, 5th board. Oliver 1st 1km beach run, 3rd beach sprint, 5th boards, 6th swim. Kade 2nd beach sprint, 3rd flags, 5th 1k beach run, 6th boards. Murray Colbridge was 2nd 1k beach run, 5th flags. Team event results were great for this group with a 1st, 2nd, and 2x3rds in the events.

Under 12s

New recruit Mia Buls achieved a 2nd in Flags, and well done for completing the ironman event for this group. Thanks to Tilly Lalor who competed in all the team events allowing us to field a team, and to all three U12s who assisted the older age groups. Special Mention to Kai Smith who had a

great start in the board race was coming first, fell of the board, but recovered to gain points in 5th place.

Under 13s

This team had a great weekend with 2nd in the beach relay and 4th in the wade relay. Derek Sorensen was 1st boards, 1st ironman, 3rd Flags, 4th swim. Ryan Stanaway was in the points with 4th Flags, 4th beach sprint, 5th boards, 5th ironman. Jayden Brittian did well at his first carnival with 3rd in the 1km beach run, and fantastic job of completing his first ironman event.

Under 14s

This strong age group is commended for all 8 team members competing in every single event including ironman.

Mitchell Knight continues to show his water ability achieving 2nd Ironman, 2nd swim, 3rd boards.

Che Innes went very well with 2nd 2km run, 4th boards, 4th ironman, 6th swim & 4th in the sprint.

Sam Schibig competing in his first carnival got 3rd place for Flags.

Josh Lukin enjoyed a great race to the finish in Boards getting 5th & Finn Stanaway achieved 6th beach sprint.

Mitchell & Josh Lukin won the board rescue event.

Connor McNeil is enjoying his return to the sport and competed well.

In the Girls U14s: Mia Devine-Cameron placed 1st sprint, & 2nd Flags, 3rd boards, 6th ironman, 6th swim, & 6th 2km run.

Tara Buls was 3rd in the flags.

Team events for the mixed group was exceptional with 4x1st places, & 2x3rds.

Many thanks to our sponsors who helped fund the purchase of new boards for the 8s-10s groups this year.

The new boards certainly make a difference in both looks and performance. The next surf carnival will be held at Etty Bay on 30-31 August.