Roadworks to last until mid-September
Monday August 18 2014, 9:30am
Annoying news for motorists as the expected end of roadworks in Port Douglas and Craiglie is pushed out to mid-September.
The works began in mid-June and were originally expected to be completed by the end of August.
A Transport and Main Roads spokesperson said unexpected issues with the roadbase and striking an unknown water main caused the delays.
“We maintain extremely high standards in relation to all project delivery and some areas, on inspection, required extra attention,” the spokesperson said.
“The project team found parts of the road had originally been built on a clay fill which is an unsuitable base - as roads are traditionally built on gravel, the clay fill had to be removed before works could continue.
“An original water main that was not on any plans was ruptured during the works which also resulted in delays.”
The works on Port Douglas Road, the only access in and out of Port Douglas, caused huge traffic backup and an outcry from local businesses and drivers when they first began, with wait times alleviated when an alternate route was established around the bulk of the works through Mahogany Street.