Council announces community grant winners
Council announces community grant winners
Wednesday August 6 2014, 1:30pm
Douglas Shire Council (DSC) has announced more than $50,000 in funding for local organisations as part of the Community Support Program (CSP).
Thirteen community projects were successful in Round 1 of the CSP, ranging from art outreach programs for kids to a gala charity ball celebrating the Douglas Shire’s sugar industry.
Mayor Julia Leu said Council was proud to support such a diverse and impressive collection of community initiatives.
“The Community Support Program is a very important aspect of what Council does, providing financial assistance to community organisations to deliver programs, events and activities which they would otherwise struggle to carry out,” Mayor Leu said.
“These projects funded under the CSP will significantly enhance community participation in a range of activities and help empower the successful local organisations to reach their potential.
“Celebrating our communities is a priority for Douglas Shire Council as identified in our Corporate Plan and we plan to announce another round of funding for the CSP this financial year to further build on this.”
Successful Community Support Program projects:
Douglas Shire Historical Society (NQ) Inc - $1039
Mossman walk and museum brochures
Mossman Boat & Fishing Club Inc - $8360
New shade sail awning for Mossman Boat and Fishing Club clubhouse
Douglas Cricket Assoc Inc - $647
Douglas Muddies IT Development
Port Douglas Community Services Network Inc - $5042
Workshop Wednesdays
Port Douglas Tennis Club Inc - $8913
Port Douglas Tennis Club's Everyone Can Play project
Port Douglas Basketball Club Inc - $3000
Purchase and installation of digital scoreboard
Goobidi Bamanga Community Advancement Society Limited - $1440
Indigenous Health and Fitness Program three-month challenge
Port Douglas Basketball Club Inc - $500
Douglas region basketball tournament
Douglas Arts Studio Gallery Inc - $5852
Douglas Arts Base Visual Arts Outreach Program for kids
Douglas Arts Studio Gallery Inc - $2000
Pensioners' subsidy for art programs
Douglas Shire Motor Sports Assoc Inc - $1512
Host a round of the North Qld Khanacross series
Douglas Shire Branch Little Athletics Centre Inc - $3380
Weather and sun protection for Douglas Athletics
Douglas Shire Community Services Association Inc - $10,000
Sugar Festival Gala Charity Ball