'Ridiculous': councillor blasts roadworks

'Ridiculous': councillor blasts roadworks

Monday June 16 2014, 2:34pm

A Douglas Shire Council councillor has taken to The Newsport’s Facebook page to label the roadworks on Port Douglas Road ‘ridiculous’. 

Councillor David Carey said council had not been consulted by Transport and Main Roads at all before the works started last Monday.


Commenting yesterday on a Newsport post about the roadworks, Cr Carey said he would support council requesting urgent talks with Main Roads to address the ‘ridiculous situation’ evident at the work site after personally inspecting the traffic jams. 

Cr Carey also said it was ‘totally unacceptable’ that the works were started without proper consultation with council. 

Residents have taken to social media to gripe about the roadworks, which started unexpectedly at the beginning of peak tourist season and have caused massive traffic jams stretching back to the Captain Cook roundabout at times. 

Many motorists are reporting wait times of over 25 minutes, in several cases over 60 minutes.