Australia-first GPS translation for Cape Trib tours

Australia-first GPS translation brings Cape Tribulation tours into Space Age

June 3, 2014, 10:38am

A Far North Queensland tour company is offering visitors a space-age addition to their experiences available nowhere else in Australia. 

Reef and Rainforest Connections, a subsidiary of Down Under Tours, is providing tourists on its Cape Tribulation trips with GPS-enabled narration devices. 

The devices, worn around travellers’ necks on lanyards, interface with a military-grade satellite to begin playing a voice track in the wearer’s language when crossing a certain point on the Earth’s surface - in this case, different stages of the Cape Trib tour.

The voice tracks relay Information about the area’s environment in addition to Indigenous and colonial history in Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, French, German and Italian. 

Reef and Rainforest Connections introduced the devices in April and sales executive John Tolentini said it’s already obvious the effect they are having on visitors. 

“The translations on the voice tracks are very well done and superbly accurate,” Mr Tolentini said. 

“The GPS devices are accurate down to a centimetre so we will have a bus full of travellers and their devices will all activate simultaneously when we get to a certain point on the tour.

“It really enhances their experience - you can see them completely wrapped up in listening to it, completely engrossed and learning about the place in a way that’d be much harder if they didn’t understand English too well.”

The devices were developed in New Zealand by tour company Kruse Go and are the first to be deployed in Australia.