RSL mural a fitting tribute
Tuesday May 6 2014, 8:15am
By Roy Weavers
Members of the Mossman RSL sub branch together with Mossman State High School Teacher Nada Petrasevic and a good representation of the students who created the commemorative mural gathered together at the Mossman RSL Club to enjoy the official opening of the mural at 11am on Sunday 4th May 2014.
The mural mounted on the wall outside the RSL Club commemorates all the armed forces.
The mural was painted by the year 10 students during 2013.
It took 22 students to work on it under the supervision of their teacher Nada Petrasevic.
President of the RSL Club Ron Savage said "This is wonderful mural.
The children have done a terrific job.
We are very proud of the finished mural and we thank the children very much for all their efforts."
Nada Petrasevic addressed the crowd made up of RSL members, friends and the Mossman State High School children and their parents to explain how the mural was created and added her own sense of pride to the finished artwork.
This beautiful sunny day was completed with a BBQ and drinks and a lot of praise for the efforts of the children and this artistic masterpiece for future generations to enjoy.
The mural is easily seen on the wall outside the RSL Club and is well worth a trip to view.