Douglas welfare service urges state government for more funding

Douglas welfare service urges state government for more funding

Tuesday April 8 2014, 9:07pm

A far north Queensland welfare service says it is encouraging the state government to provide further funding for new facilities and programs.

The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre met with Member for Cook David Kempton and Communities Minister Tracy Davis on Tuesday.

Last year volunteers contributed more than 15,000 hours of work coordinator Jo De Riva O'Phelan said.

She said the centre's Mowbray street facilities and staff were also overstretched, providing legal, health, employment and financial services out of the one building.

"Two years ago ... we were operating at capacity, now we're running out of room," she said.

"All of our services have grown over that time and we've expanded as much as we can under the available funding.

"We now have about six part time workers but how we operate is largely through volunteer support and partnerships within the community."

Minister Davis praised the work of the centre's employees but stopped short of commiting more money to the service provider.

"It's fantastic. They offer a great range of targeted services to the community here," she said.

"They certainly have their finger on the pulse of the needs of the community and they're delivering on that."

The neighbourhood centre also runs a day care centre, counselling support services, a meals program for the elderly and emergency relief and crisis support services.

Ms de Riva O'Phelan said the centre was currently working with a number of men find gainful employment in the region.

"The next closest place that offers a lot of these sort of services is Cairns really," she said.

The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre was established in 1988.