Douglas Shire Council notes /Newsport
Douglas Shire Council notes
Thursday March 13 2014
New Douglas Shire Council CEO, Linda Cardew, started work in Mossman this week, replacing acting CEO, Jeff Tate.
Here is what Mayor, Julia Leu said about Ms Cardew's appointment:
"The Council has appointed Linda Cardew as our new CEO."
"Ms Cardew, a vastly experienced local government executive stood out from a strong field of 33 applicants from across Australia and brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and fresh energy to the CEO role.
"Welcome to Linda who officially starts on March 10. At the same time, however, it is now time to say goodbye and a huge thank you to Jeff Tate, our amazing and highly competent Transfer Manager and acting CEO who left on March 7.
"Jeff has earned enormous respect and support from all the staff and the community and I cannot underestimate the expert work and mammoth job achieved in guiding us through the de-amalgamation process and establishing our new Council.
"Thanks Jeff from all of us!"
Half-yearly Rates Notices
Half-yearly rates notices were issued on the 10 February, 2014.
Ratepayers have until the close of business 13 March 2014 to pay their rates.
Ratepayers are advised that notices include a new levy introduced by the State Government.
The State Emergency/Fire Management Levy has been introduced to replace previous State Fire Levy.
For the first time, this levy will also be included on all rates assessments located outside the urban fire boundaries.
Council collects the levy on behalf of the State Government, which will use the levy funds to assist communities impacted by future natural disasters.
Money raised by the levy does not remain with Council.
Payments can be made by BPAY, Direct Debits, Post Billpay, payment by Mail or payments in person at Council Office or Post Offices. Further information can be found at the Council website.
Please be aware that BPAY and Post Billpay biller codes have changed. New codes can be found on the back of rates notice.
Anyone in the Douglas Shire Council area who has not receive their rates notice or is having difficulty paying their rates is asked to contact Council immediately on 07 4099 9444.