Marathon a $1.5M boost for local economy

Monday November 11th 2013

Marathon a $1.5M boost for local economy

The 2013 CANEGROWERS Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival generated more than $1.5 million for the Douglas region's economy, according to organisers. 

Announcing the news today, organisers Port Douglas Events Management said the successful 2013 Festival and estimated economic value was thanks to participants and volunteers.

"Over 1000 runners and 160 volunteers participated this year," said Festival spokesperson Bruno Bennett.

"Runners came from 13 countries and all states of Australia, and at least 600 stayed in Port Douglas for between 1 and 12 nights."

Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch congratulated PDEM Managing Director Sam Cullen and Mr Bennett on "a brilliant event; what they’ve achieved is nothing short of phenomenal."  

"Steve Moneghetti has shown his ongoing commitment not just through having his name on the marathon, but also by coming along and competing. This really gives the event national and international credibility - and it’s only going to continue to grow.

“When you consider all the flow-on benefits to the local economy, you can see why events such as this drive our collective vision to have our region recognised as one of the premium sporting destinations in the country," Mr Entsch said.

As The Newsport reported on November 7, the Festival was recently announced as one of 52 regional events across the state to share $1.4 million in state government funding. 

Port Douglas Events Management will receive $30,000 under the latest round of the Tourism and Events Queensland Regional Development Program. Mr Bennett said the funding will support the Festival’s growth into new markets in 2014.

Member for Cook David Kempton, who formed part of the official party this year, congratulated the organisers, sponsors. and all those who participated for a fantastic few days, and said the State Government recognised the importance of the event through continued funding support.

“As part of our commitment to build a strong, four pillar economy supporting the tourism sector is integral. I look forward to playing a part in the continued success of the Marathon."

Mr Bennett said participants, sponsors, and the community provided positive feedback and suggestions for future Festivals.

"The tides caused the athletes some discomfort and the marathoners who tackled the Bump Track will have stories to tell, but 2013 showed that the Marathon Festival certainly 'has legs'," he said.


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