Funding boost for Mossman Indigenous service

Monday November 11th 2013

Funding boost for Mossman Indigenous service

Two not-for-profit community service providers, one in Mossman and the other in Cooktown, will share $319,000 in funding from the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability.

Mossman’s Goobidi-Bamanga Community Advancement Cooperative Society will receive $223, 325 over the next three years for their Jowan Karra Indigenous Family Support Service, and almost $100,000 will go to Cooktown District Community Centre’s Family Support Service.

Member for Cook David Kempton welcomed the news, saying both services provided “vital and unique” support to the vulnerable members of their respective regions.

“The Jowan Karra Indigenous Family Support Service is the only one of its kind in that offers assistance in child protection, domestic and family violence, drug and alcohol abuse and school truancy to indigenous people living in the Mossman district,” Mr Kempton said.

“Their work is crucial and this funding will mean they can continue to keep their doors open.”

JKIFSS co-ordinator Donna Elliot said the funding meant “so much” to both the service employees, and the community as a whole.

“Knowing we can keep operating for another three years is fantastic,” she said.
“This is a much-needed service in this region and we are so grateful to the State Government for their continued support.”

Mr Kempton said the CDCC’s Family Support Service aimed to “promote, support and enhance the wellbeing of individuals and families in the area.

“These services are what keep communities growing and moving forward in positive ways,” Mr Kempton said.

“I am proud to be part of a Government that recognises the integral role they play and supports them accordingly.”