Dormer: One step forward, not two back

Thursday October 24 2013

Dormer: One step forward, not two back


Born in 1963 in East London, father of four James Dormer has lived with wife, Deirdre, and two youngest children in Port Douglas for the past nine years.

“I’m one of eleven children. My father and four of my five brothers were all involved in the construction industry, so it was clear from a young age that my career path would lead me into the building industry,” he said.  

“At the age of eight, my father started dealing in cars and motorcycles which saw me embrace a new life passion – bikes.”

By the time he was 13, Mr Dormer was a full-time motocross racer, turning semi-professional and representing England at age 17 in the Under-21 level. Together with a successful motocross career, he established a building and bricklaying business at 18, and was employing a staff of 40 before long.

“When a recession hit England in the mid-1980s, I took time out from the construction industry and joined the paratroopers regiment in the British Army. This experience had a rewarding influence on my life and has given me the life-long skills to confront any challenge head on,” he said.

On leaving the army, Mr Dormer was employed by a major construction company, managing 250 people across a private hospital and two sport/exhibition stadiums in London. He established and operated his second business, in home building and renovations, from 1995 until his move to Port Douglas in 2004.

Mr Dormer established Port Douglas Builders in 2007 with longtime friend Mike Clarke as equal partner.

“I am a very determined, driven, and hard-working person, who always strives for the best outcome in all situations,” he said.

“I am not afraid to tackle any issues that are brought forward, and will speak up and give the Douglas Shire a strong voice.  I believe in the future of the Douglas region and will work hard to ensure that our community continues to grow and prosper under new, innovative leadership.

"The Douglas Shire is on the cusp of great things. Coming out of the recession, it is an ideal time for the community to embrace new innovative ideas and my policies are designed."



  • TO ESTABLISH a sustainable financial council in the first two years that will not see the rate payers having to suffer under any significant rate rises by working alongside the new C.E.O and staff to ensure a financially viable shire.
  • TO LISTEN to all members of the community and work with business, both big and small, to ensure their success.  I will guarantee that all voices are heard and that everyone gets a fair go from all areas of the region.
  • TO CREATE more jobs for the younger community and graduates who are currently forced to move away from their families to find employment. 
  • REVIEW the old town plan to create controlled growth throughout the entire Douglas region.
  • ASSIST THE TEAM – Douglas Shire Economic Strategy Group – which will assure that the Douglas regions two main industries, tourism and agriculture, receive the marketing funding it needs in order to grow and compete with other regions.
  • TO ENCOURAGE investors and new innovative industries to our region in order to strengthen the community’s economy which will provide greater stability.
  • WORK WITH the residents over the river to achieve mains power as soon as possible, as it is something that should have happened years ago, and it greatly disadvantages the lives of residents and businesses.
  • WATER SUPPLY: To once again have chemical free water, will be hire on our list of priorities but it will need careful consideration due to the cost in the first two years of the council, and the legal legislation that states that there needs to be a certain amount of chlorine in the water. I understand the communities concern over this and will work hard to create the desired outcome.
  • WATERFRONT PROJECT: This project is reliant on funding that the council will be unable to afford in the first two years, so I will be looking at funding by way or state, federal or independent investors.  I believe that infrastructure of this kind can only be an asset to the community, by adding to the already beautiful environment that is Port Douglas.
  • LAGOON POOL: Once again, the council will be unable to commit financially in the first two years, but it is a priority were I will be seeking funding from state, federal or private investors/developers.
  • TO USE local contractors, business and resources within the Shire where possible, at competitive rates.
  • TO UNITE THE COMMUNITY by bringing the focus back on supporting the entire region and creating greater community spirit through our reinstatement as the Douglas Shire.


Mr Dormer lists the following four points for residents to consider when casting their vote on November 9:

ONE STEP FORWARD, NOT TWO STEPS BACK: Now that we have a fresh start we need to ensure the momentum continues and we keeping moving forward and not backwards.

MOVING FORWARD means we need a new council with fresh representatives to avoid lapsing back into old policies, mistakes and decisions.  The dysfunctional methods of the previous council cannot be allowed to repeat itself.  We need new blood to keep going forward.

COMMON SENSE: With my years of experience and background of running businesses I find that the most successful attribute in those who succeed is that of common sense.  The council needs members who have a strong vision in moving forward and who will work together in a united environment in order to make the decisions necessary for our regions success.

STRONG LEADERSHIP: I firmly believe in strong leadership that will see me not accepting anything but the best for our community. I will not take no for an answer when lobbying for state and federal funding. I will not back down in negotiations when striving for the needs of the community. I will not condone any disruption within the council or its members that could jeopardise decision making and lose the respect and confidence of the community.