TPDD boss: Council will drive growth
Thursday October 24 2013
TPDD boss: Council will drive growth
Tourism Port Douglas Daintree (TPDD) Executive Officer Doug Ryan has responded to the Douglas Economic Development Group's (DEDG) calls for the new Shire Council to increase destination marketer funding.
As The Newsport reported yesterday, the DEDG compared the region’s spend on tourism promotion with competitors and found the Douglas Council's expenditure is significantly lower.
Ahead of the local council election on November 9, the DEDG is urging Council candidates to recognise the region's tourism dependency, prioritise a funding boost for TTPD, and engage the small business community.
"TPDD has worked closely with both the old DSC and with CRC over the last six years," Mr Ryan said.
"We have reported quarterly to both bodies and receive excellent comments on the achievements of our marketing body.
"We have funding through until June 2014, which gives us time to work closely with our new council in formulating their support for the future.
"Our new board is meeting with the mayoral candidates, one on one, and providing Council candidates the opportunity to meet with our members.
The reliance of the region on tourism has been well recorded for many years and was the driver for the DSC to give, at that time, reasonable funding.
"We now see the formulation of the new council as an excellent opportunity to reinforce the important role TPDD carries out and to secure long term, sustainable, funding to help drive growth of the economy through destination tourism marketing.
"Over the last few years, through the difficult financial environment, membership based organisations everywhere have found it difficult to attract and maintain members. However, TPDD has maintained a high quality, active membership, particularly in regards to accommodation properties and tour operators.
"As a membership-based organisation, we see it as a priority activity to engage with existing and potential members to ensure they see the benefits to their business in being part of our organisation.
"This is the challenge for all membership-based organisations to embrace, particularly as businesses look for positive outcomes for their membership investment."