Meet your Council candidates

Wednesday October 16 2013

Meet your Council candidates

Douglas Shire Council voters will get the chance to meet the candidates running for the November 9 council elections later this month.

Separate Port Douglas and Mossman forums, arranged by locals Phil Holloway and Jenni Sorensen, will enable the voters to meet the candidates and learn of their intentions. 


Forum 1

6pm, Monday, October 28 2013

Cyclone Shelter at Port Douglas Primary School, Endeavour Street, Port Douglas.

Forum 2

6pm, Wednesday, October 30 2013

Mossman Shire Hall, Mill Street, Mossman.


The format will run as follows:

  • The candidates will be named in alphabetical order;
  • Candidates names will be drawn out of a hat, and asked to give a two to three minute introduction to the audience on their background and experience, and reasons for standing for Council;
  • Some questions from the floor can be directed at candidates, but as all candidates won’t have time to answer the same question, the process this will be adjudicated;
  • If attendees wish to present written questions in advance, these will allow the candidates to answer them;
  • Questions or comments which are derogatory or personal will not be permitted.


The Port Douglas and Mossman forums are supported by the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce, Radio Port Douglas, The Newsport, and the Port Douglas and Mossman Gazette.

Cow Bay voters will also get a chance to meet the candidates on Monday, October 28 at 10am.

Daintree Marketing Co-Operative is also host the meeting at Cow Bay Hotel. It will be chaired by Daintree Marketing Co-Operative director, Gay Scott, from the 20/20 Group.