Macdonald: North needs its own Senator

Friday September 6 2013

Macdonald: North Queensland needs its own Senator

North Queensland based Senator Ian Macdonald today issued an appeal to Northern voters to back him and his team in tomorrow’s election for the Senate.

Senator Macdonald said that many voters did not realise they had two votes to cast tomorrow – one for the House of Representatives and a separate one for the Senate.

“It is important to have a voice for North Queensland in the Upper House. But of all the Candidates for the Senate from the major and minor parties with any chance of election, I am the only candidate on the ballot paper from the North,”  Senator Macdonald said.

Labor has three union-backed candidates from the Brisbane area, the Greens candidates are all from Brisbane and the Palmer candidates are from Brisbane, Europe and Perth and the furthest north candidate from the Katter Party is from Gympie.

Most of the other groupings have their candidates from the south east of Queensland.

“The only other party showing any interest in the North is the Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party whose two candidates are both from Cairns.

“I know from my long experience in the Senate that voices advocating for the north are rare.  And it is important in every speech or vote to make sure that the North is not forgotten,” Senator Macdonald said.

“The Coalition is the only party which has a plan and a vision for Northern Australia – we have consulted widely with Northern Australians on the way forward to make Northern Australia the economic powerhouse of the country in agriculture, mining, cattle, medical services, education and tourism.

“Our new LNP Team will have Senators from the Sunshine Coast, from the Darling Downs and from the North joining our sitting Senators two of who are from Brisbane and one from Toowoomba.

“Northerners are always proud when it comes to North Queensland and we need to ensure that we continue to have strong representation from this part of the world in the Senate,” he said.