Toast Port Douglas turns one today

Toast Sandwich Bar in Port Douglas is celebrating one year in operation today.
Just like a human baby, it has been one challenging first year, but Toast owners Luke Headland and Roisin Hudson say local coffee lovers have gotten them through and today’s birthday celebrations are all about them.
“Thank you to all our locals and regulars who come in all the time, we certainly wouldn’t be at one year today, especially with COVID, if they weren’t coming in the door all the time,” Luke said.
“There certainly have been challenges but we have worked through it and are aiming for a good season next year.”
Roisin added when Australia went into lockdown earlier this year they didn’t know if they would have any customers at all.
“But people kept coming in, even just for one coffee, and even people who wouldn’t normally come in did to share the love around town,” she said.
“So today is all about giving back to them.”
Toast celebrated this morning by giving out coffee and cake. They will now take a well-deserved “staff appreciation” day off before coming back on Sunday for all your coffee and food needs.
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