Sugar Wharf gets decked out

A refurbished Sugar Wharf has been restored in a number of key areas which will enhance its presence at the numerous events held at the venue.
This follows the Douglas Shire Council laying down new timber outdoor decking and completed below deck structural repairs including replacing corroded belts, steel fixings, missing bracings and rotting timber.
More works can now start thanks to a $250,000 grant through the Queensland Government’s Building Our Regions program.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said all work would be meticulously completed under the watchful eye of heritage specialists.
“The outdoor deck is a stunning location overlooking Dickson’s Inlet making it popular for sunset gatherings,” he said.
“The upcoming works includes five new toilets at the rear of the building, renovation of the original internal timber decking to replace the current patchwork of floor coverings, plumbing and electrical upgrades and installation of a stainless bench and built-in sink in the south-east entrance lobby.
“An interior wall introduced in the 1980s will be removed to create a larger space, increasing capacity, and importantly, capitalise on the lofty raked ceiling and exposed rafters which provide the wow factor of the building.”
Event planners met Council staff and architects on the waterfront late last year to discuss what improvements were needed at the signature wedding and special events location.
State Development Minister Kate Jones said the government was proud to be partnering with councils and the private sector to deliver projects that create jobs.
“We are facing one of the most difficult times in our State’s history. But we know that to fast-track Queensland’s economic recovery, we need to invest in job-creating projects in regional Queensland,” she said.
“This program will not only create hundreds of construction jobs across the regions, it will create more employment opportunities for locals, helping small businesses in these communities and boosting industry supply chains.”
Visit the project page for more information on the Sugar Wharf upgrades.
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