Nominations open for 2021 local Australia Day Awards

Douglas Shire residents have the opportunity to nominate an individual/s who have made an outstanding achievement or contribution within the community.
This is to celebrate the Douglas Shire Council 2021 Australia Day Awards, which comprises seven categories:
Citizen of the Year recognises outstanding members of the community for their personal endeavours, achievements and community involvement;
Young Citizen of the Year recognises young citizens aged 25 years or under (on 26 January 2020) for their personal endeavours, achievements and community involvement; and
Volunteer of the Year recognises members of the community of any age making significant and lasting contributions to the social, recreational, environmental and economic quality of life in the community through their endeavours on behalf of individuals, organisations, charities, service groups, clubs, churches, sporting groups, health or youth.
Arts and Cultural Award recognises members of the community of any age making significant and lasting contributions to arts and culture in the community.
Environmental Achievement Award recognises members of the community of any age making significant and lasting contributions to the environment.
Senior Sports Award recognises sports people for their personal endeavours and achievements in their sporting code.
Junior Sports Award (Aged 18 years or under at 26 January 2020) recognises young sports people for their personal endeavours and achievements in their sporting code.
Council has launched a new online nomination form to make it easier for the public to celebrate a local legend.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said many locals continued their good will despite the extraordinary challenges caused by the global pandemic.
“Douglas Shire is lucky to have so many fantastic, selfless people who volunteer and give back to the community rain, hail or shine,” he said.
“Whether it’s a local community group, sporting club or your neighbour, please think about nominating them for an Australia Day award.”
Nominations close Friday 20 November and nomination forms are available from Council’s Administration Office, Port Douglas Community Hub or you can complete the above online form.
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