Hot and Steamy Festival‘s future bright

Councillors at tomorrow’s open Council meeting in Mossman will vote on a recommendation to enter a three-year Resource and Performance Agreement with event organisers for the Hot & Steamy Festival with $7,000 (GST Exc) in Year One; $4,000 (GST Exc) in Year Two; and $2,000 (GST Exc) in Year Three.
This will include in-kind support comprising use of Port Douglas Sugar Wharf for one date per year over the three years and the use of Council’s mobile noticeboards, if available, for promotion of the event each year leading up to the event.
Another item on the agenda is to reduce the Mossman Pool entrance fee to from $3.00 to $2.00 per student for the annual school swimming program for seven identified schools in 2020; the schools will need to arrange Mossman Pool lifeguards for their swimming sessions and each school will be financially responsible for lifeguard’s time for their swimming programs.
Council will vote on resolving the successful $250,000 (GST Exc) funding application to Round 5 Building our Regions for the Port Douglas Sugar Wharf Upgrade Project; Commit to delivering the project; Acknowledge responsibility for any funding shortfalls if costs change; Contribute $100,000 (GST Exc) towards the project with funds in the 2020/2021 Budget.
Building our Regions (BOR) provides funding for regional infrastructure projects that create flow-on economic development opportunities and jobs and improve livability and economic conditions.
Among its objectives is to support regional economic development and the sustainability of regional communities.
It will be recommended that Council endorse the proposed Daintree Ferry Tour bus fees rebate of 50% for the period 1 October 2020 – 31 December 2020.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on many businesses and individuals in the Douglas Shire. Council wishes to offer various measures of relief to assist in supporting affected community members.
In a NOTICE OF MOTION, Clr Abigail Noli give Notices of her intention to move the following Motion at the Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday 29 September 2020:
“The position of Tourism and Economic Development Officer (TEDO), that sits within the Council operational structure, provides monthly updates to Councillors and prepares quarterly releases for Council noting and resolution.
5.2 Hot and Steamy Festival – Resource and Performance Agreement
5.3 Trustee Lessee Request to Permanently Construct Front Fencing on Part of Lot 175 on SP241399
5.4 Amendment to Council Resolution – Sale of Lot 83 SR596 Cape Tribulation Road
5.5 Mossman Pool – School Swimming Program
5.6 Naming of New Bridge in Whyanbeel
5.7 Naming of Unnamed Road, Killaloe
5.8 Re-allocation of the Blue Print Budget to Diggers Bridge Park
5.9 Building our Regions – Port Douglas Sugar Wharf
5.10 Daintree Ferry Tour Bus Fees 50% rebate October to December 2020
5.11 Financial Report August 2020
5.12 Council delegates for the 2020 LGAQ Annual Conference
6.1 Notice of Motion – Tourism and Economic Development Officer (TEDO) Quarterly Reports
9.1 Closed Session
The Ordinary Meeting of Council will be closed to the public because of health and safety reasons associated with the public health emergency involving COVID-19.
The meeting will be live-streamed online and an audio of the meeting will be available on the Council Website at the time the minutes are made available.
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