Douglas Chamber to hold AGM with guest speakers


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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The current Chamber Vice President, Marty Tranter, and President Liz Ross invite you to attend tomorrow's AGM.

The Douglas Chamber of Commerce will be holding its AGM tomorrow from 7.30am – 9am at the Tin Shed and is being regarded as a highly beneficial meeting for members and non-members.

There will be two key note speakers:

• 7:30 am Presentation by John Hale – Strategy Adviser – Hale Consulting Group
• 8:00 am Presentation by Susan Yeeles – Small Business Financial Counselling North Queensland

And Chamber spokesperson Marty Tranter believes there will be a great deal to be gained from this meeting.

“The presentation by John Hales is an encouragement by business owners and members to think laterally and creatively in regard to their business. Inspire yourself to think differently.

“As we face tougher times post the end of Job Keeper and a low season without a high season – many businesses are going to face questions as to whether it is still viable for the business to continue.

“The services offered by the Small Business Financial Counsellor Program through Rural Financial Counselling which is government funded are designed to guide a business through the path or steps to possible receivership or administration and or financial paths or counselling to better allow the business to make early considered decisions on how to proceed through that process,” said Tranter.

Tranter is encouraging many businesses to take the opportunity to interact with Susan Yeeles or Rural Financial Services – because in all of these pressure cooker situations – having knowledge as to the steps which can or cannot be taken empowers that business owner to make better decisions for their business welfare, and ultimately their own personal mental wellbeing.

See John Hale's teaser video below.

“The AGM which should be a very quick affair at the end and is largely procedural – but we encourage any member to consider taking on a role within the management committee. This year we are exceptionally fortunate to have developed a strong collaboration with the new council and council has generously agreed to fund the Chamber,” he said.

Tranter said there is no better or more opportunistic time to be part of the Chamber.

“The Chamber is an apolitical body and prides itself on being so. We have no purpose whatsoever other than to try by collaborating with other businesses to improve economic conditions in the Douglas region.

“This is the time for a business in the Douglas region to develop and be part of a solution. We want to be inclusive of business throughout the Douglas region – and would welcome participation from each industry sector – agricultural, accommodation, retail, services and services and want to see representation not just from Port Douglas but from Mossman and Daintree and everywhere else in the shire.  

“If I could extoll one thing to the business community in Douglas at the moment – I would suggest that it’s vitally important that when times become tough we do not allow ourselves to mire in mediocrity. Take this time to think laterally to consider ways you can improve your business, your service delivery or even laterally and step up and help us to provide solutions,” he said.

Attendees tomorrow will learn how the new funding from Council will assist the Chamber.

“For years the Chamber has struggled because it’s a volunteer group and has had minimalistic funds. Despite this we have had a highly successful and well attended business expo, frequent breakfast meetings and presentations including the recent Wangetti Trail seminars. The new funding from Council will allow us to:

• Structure courses and policies to benefit the business community.
• Set membership fees at historic new lows – in fact if the chamber approves the entry into the agreement with council, membership fees will continue at nil until 30 June 2021.

Tickets to tomorrow's meeting and seminar are $10-15 and can be accessed here.  

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