Dog Day Out a must for K9 owners

The grounds around the Port Douglas Community Hall on Saturday will become a dog’s paradise as K9s of all colours, breeds and size will join their owners at the inaugural Dogs Day Out presented by Paws and Claws.
The event begins at 10:00am until 1:00pm and as the dogs make new friends, wag their tails with gay abandon, the festivities will be complimented with music, entertainment, stalls, treats and a host of doggie prizes.
The prizes include cutest/ugliest dog; naughtiest dog – tails of disaster and destruction; dog with waggiest tail; best dog trick; best dressed and groomed dog; owner/dog lookalike and Douglas Top Dog 2020.
Paws and Claws president and Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr is encouraging dog owners to bring their furry friends to this free event. Cats are not allowed.
“This is a great opportunity for dog owners to come together, watch their animals strut their stuff and I’ll also be using the opportunity to provide an update on the new Paws and Claws site.
“This event was originally scheduled for the cancelled Carnivale and I thought this was an appropriate time. It is unique in that an event of this nature has not been held for some time,” said Kerr.
The event is a significant boost for Paws and Claws and the work it does in the community.
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