Council meeting: Diggers Bridge consultation, Hot and Steamy funding, and more

It was another jam-packed Council meeting at Mossman Council Chambers yesterday, here is some of what went down.
Consultation planned for ‘Diggers Park’
Community consultation will be undertaken later this financial year regarding the provision of a public ceremony venue in the Diggers Bridge area.
As part of the construction process for the new bridge across the Mowbray River, Council committed to retain the old timber Diggers Bridge as a pedestrian bridge for fishers, walkers and cyclists.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said there was some controversy when the bridge works were completed, with many residents unhappy with the current look, saying the area was in need of beautification.
The old Diggers Bridge is one of the few remaining timber bridges in the Shire, and a popular location for wedding photographers.
The Diggers Bridge area has been identified as a possible wedding ceremony location, because of its natural beauty. It is expected that the venue would be made available to ceremonies only and not reception/function bookings with the booking of the venue to be managed by Council.
Council will transfer funds from a suspended planning project to fund the consultation, landscape design and approvals.
Hot and Steamy to target domestic market
Hot and Steamy Festival organisers are planning to make the four-day festival a fixture on the Australian LGBTQI calendar.
Douglas Shire Council has resolved to enter into a three-year Resource and Performance Agreement to help organisers target the domestic market in coming years.
The inaugural event, which was held in February this year, was considered a success by organisers who are keen to establish it as a regular part of the Douglas Shire calendar.
Council’s economic estimates have the event contributing more than $300,000 to the local economy.
Council’s contribution will include $7,000 in Year One; $4,000 in Year Two; and $2,000 in Year Three.
Swimming discount for local schools
Local school students will get discounted entry into a learn-to-swim program at the Mossman Pool this summer.
Douglas Shire Council resolved to reduce the entrance fee to $2 per student, saving local parents more than $30,000 in coming months.
The reduced fees will support the seven local schools participating in the upcoming program.
Mayor Kerr said the lower fee would encourage more participation in school swimming programs.
“Swimming is such an important part of life in the tropics,” he said.
“We are really excited about getting more kids in the pool this summer and increasing their confidence in the water.
Staff are also getting ready for the return of the popular 10-week Aqua Fit program next week with beginner and advanced classes on offer for $15 per person per session.
The program will run from Tuesday 6 October until Wednesday 9 December 2020.
New Bridge in Whyanbeel gets a name
A new bridge has been built over Little Falls Creek in Whyanbeel, replacing a causeway which was subject to flooding.
Several suggestions were put forward by the community for the name of the new bridge and the Kuku Yalanji language name Jimalji was selected.
Historical significance recognised in unnamed road in Killaloe
Council resolved to name the road off Captain Cook Highway, leading to Gold Coast Marine Aquaculture, Old Ferry Road.
Council originally received an application to name the road reserve leading to Gold Coast Marine Aquaculture, Noel Herbst Road, to recognise the contribution of the business owner. However, the Douglas Shire Historical Society suggested the road had historical significance and should be named accordingly. The road in question was part of the original 1880s Port Douglas Ferry Road which led to an old ferry that once ran across the Dickson Inlet to Port Douglas acting as a shortcut between Port Douglas and the settlement at Mossman River.
A motion was submitted to name the road Old Ferry Road and was successfully passed during the Council meeting.
Seafood van catches Council support
A seafood van will continue to trade in Port Douglas for the next three months.
Douglas Shire Council has approved a three-month development permit for the trader to sell seafood at the Warner Street site.
The applicant will store additional equipment such as freezers for seafood in a nearby shop, and sell produce to the public from the trailer parked at the front of the site, in between the shop and the footpath.
Mayor and Deputy to vote at LGAQ conference
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr and Deputy Mayor Lisa Scomazzon will fly the Douglas flag at 124th LGAQ Annual Conference next month.
Council today endorsed Cr Kerr and Cr Scomazzon as voting delegates to represent the region and vote on motions put forward at the conference.
The three-day conference will be held at the Gold Coast from October 19-21.
Notice of Motion
Councillor Abigail Noli submitted a Notice of Motion to Council requesting “the position of Tourism and Economic Development Officer (TEDO), that sits within the Council operational structure, provides monthly updates to Councillors and prepares quarterly releases for Council noting and resolution”
This motion was not passed by a majority of Councillors. Mayor Kerr said the motion was “counter-productive” as Councillors had authorised the Council CEO to employ the TEDO position and Council staff report to the CEO, who intern provides quarterly reports to Councillors.
Read full Council reports here.
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