Competition: Two family passes up for grabs to Wonderland’s ‘A Simple Space’

The winners of our family passes to 'A Simple Space' in Port Douglas, selected at random are:
- Lillian Hussey-Smith
- Jayson Davis
Please contact Newsport to receive your tickets!
Newsport has partnered with Wonderland Under the Stars to give away two family passes to the acclaimed circus act, A Simple Space, on Thursday, 10 September.
A Simple Space will feature at the Wonderland Under the Stars festival which kicks off on Thursday, running until Sunday at Rex Smeal Park Port Douglas.
To get your hands on these free tickets simply enter the codeword ‘WONDERLAND’ in the comments below or on Newsport's Facebook post. Two winners will be picked at random and announced on Newsport’s Facebook at 3:00pm Wednesday 9 September.
The two separate winners will each receive four free tickets to the 5:00pm Thursday show.
A Simple Space is a circus performance that will set audiences alight with non-stop feats of acrobatic artistry, leaving you breathless and inspired by what the human body is capable of.
Seven acrobats push their physical limits without reserve supported by driving live percussion and presented so intimately that you can feel the heat and hear every breath.
Set to be an extraordinary, fun-filled experience for all ages, A Simple Space is a circus that showcases the teamwork it takes to pull off these hair-raising stunts.
A Simple Space will run four shows over the weekend and tickets are still available at Wonderland Under the Stars. Other shows featuring at the festival, including Busby Marou, have sold out, so get in quick.
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