Call to ocean lovers to join GBR clean-up

The Tangaroa Blue Foundation is calling on all ocean lovers to join ReefClean’s annual Great Barrier Reef Clean-up starting on Saturday 3 October and stretching from Bundaberg to the Torres Strait.
Now in its second year, the annual ReefClean Great Barrier Reef Clean-up is one of the biggest events of its kind, mobilising communities around the reef to clean-up hundreds of kilometres of coastline.
“Last year volunteers recovered a staggering 25 tonnes of debris across all events, and this year we want to top that!” said Tangaroa Blue CEO Heidi Tait.
“Whether you are a citizen scientist, a business, a government organisation or just an ocean lover, you are invited to adopt a local site and register online for free. This is a great opportunity for those who know of a local site that needs attention, to take on a leadership role and kick off a clean-up,” she said.
The clean-up call comes as the Australian Marine Debris Initiative Database shows single-use plastic items among the top 10 items of litter impacting the Great Barrier Reef and surrounding waterways.
“Stewardship of the environment on a local, community level is vital to turning the tide on marine debris around the Great Barrier Reef,” said Tait.
As well as setting up your own event, you can volunteer for the following existing clean-ups being held around the reef:
- October 3 - Alva Beach, Townsville
- October 3 - Harbour Beach, Mackay
- October 8-11 - Hinchinbrook Island
- October 10 - Farnborough Beach, Yeppoon
- October 22-23 - Moa Island, Torres Strait
- October 24 - Innes Park
“The events are free to attend and participants are provided with all the gear and info they need to help make a difference on the day.
“By pulling together as a community and recording the type of marine debris that continues to impact the Reef, we’ll get the data we need to work with industry and government to solve this problem once and for all.”
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Governments Reef Trust and is delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation, AUSMAP, Capricornia Catchments, Eco Barge Clean Seas, OceanWatch Australia, Reef Check Australia and South Cape York Catchments.
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