Young Douglas athletes get chance to learn from world champ

Budding young athletes in the Douglas Shire will get the chance to be coached by Australian sporting legend, Beach Sprint World Champion Bree Masters.
Ms Masters will be in Port Douglas on Saturday 24 October to mentor and inspire young athletes who want to learn essential methods to running faster.
The Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club, with support from the Douglas Shire Council, are welcoming all Douglas Shire children to join this extraordinary opportunity to discover valuable performance insights by Bree Masters at the Port Douglas Beach Sprint Clinic.
Irene Cats, Director of Surf Sports at the Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club, said this is a rare and valuable opportunity for someone of Ms Masters’ expertise to hold a clinic in Port Douglas.
“This interactive workshop is beneficial to all sporting clubs as she imparts a wealth of knowledge through sprint specific technics, high-calibre training methods and life lessons that will further develop all young athletes in a fun atmosphere,” she said.
Over the last 23 years Ms Masters has taken Australia by storm notching up a plethora of Australian and world sporting accolades.
Ms Masters is incredibly relatable to all children getting started in sport – she knows firsthand how hard it can be at times to stay motivated and keep going to get back to the top – through passion and dedication she found early success becoming the youngest to ever win an Australian Beach Sprint Title at 13.
Becoming a Beach Sprint World Champion doesn’t just happen overnight – there was a big growth process for Ms Masters both as an athlete and in her general everyday life, it taught her many life lessons. It is with this kind of intimate insight that makes Ms Masters’ clinic invaluable to stirring the passion of the next generation of athletes in all sports.
“There will be two four-hour clinics that will allow for an opportunity to ask Bree specific questions,” Ms Cats said.

“She will be going through effective warmups, a variety of drills and comprehensive take home training sessions. All topped off with some friendly runs to try out your new skills.
“Coaches and parents are also encouraged to watch and learn free of charge. Although they will not be able to participate, they will be able to take home some elite knowledge from Bree that can better help develop their young athletes and children,” she said.
To join contact the Port Douglas Life Saving Club (07) 4099 5360 email or see their Facebook event page @PortDouglasSurfLifesavingClub
Event details:
Clinics Saturday, 24 October 2020
Session 1: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Session 2: 1:00pm - 5:00pm.
Each session max 30 kids at $20 per child (including morning or afternoon tea) open to children between 10 - 16 years old
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