TPDD’S Bennett appointed to TTNQ board

In viewing her recent appointment to the board of Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ), Tourism Port Douglas Daintree (TPDD) CEO Tara Bennett said “it’s a very exciting time at TTNQ with CEO Mark Olsen at the helm and I’m thrilled to be joining the conversation at such a pivotal time for the industry.”
Bennett’s appointment was made at TTNQ’s AGM earlier this week and she will serve as Cairns North Zone Director.
“It’s an honour to be elected to the TTNQ Board, joining a highly esteemed group of passionate tourism professionals.
“The Cairns North zone position has previously been held by tourism leaders from the Shire including Sheena Walshaw from Cape Tribulation and Gordon Wellham from Port Douglas,” said Ms Bennett.
In terms of her new role, she said her goal is to see tourism in Tropical North Queensland prosper once more, “coming back from the COVID -19 pandemic as a robust industry that’s well aligned to complementary sectors to stimulate aviation and sustainable economic recovery.”

‘A director’s role is to help oversee governance, strategic direction and delivering accountable corporate performance in accordance with the organisations goals.
“I will draw on my experience in regional tourism, small business and destination marketing to bring my insights to the Board’s decision making,” she said.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said having the CEO of TPDD on the TTNQ board is an absolute bonus for the region.
“This will create a magnificent harmony between the two tourism bodies and allow TPDD to be on the forefront of what’s going on.
“I’m sure this will allow our region to be an inclusive part of the TTNQ program as we rebuild our brand out of COVID19,” said Mayor Kerr.
At the AGM, Olsen said the region’s tourism industry must be congratulated on increasing visitor expenditure above the target of $3.5 billion in 2019-2020, growing the domestic market share to 11.8% and international market share to 12.6%.
“Interest in our new domestic brand ‘Cairns & Great Barrier Reef’ is strong which is allowing us to outstrip many of our competitor destinations.
“TTNQ generated $65 million in publicity, far exceeding our target of $50 million per annum and reached 12.8 million viewers through our digital channels,” he said.
Olsen thanked Port Douglas-based Wendy Morris for the long hours and passion she brought to the chair’s role. Her three-year term has ended.
The newly elected Board members are:
Cairns North Zone Director Tara Bennett, Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree Chief Executive Officer; and
Cairns South Zone Director Janet Hamilton, Cairns Convention Centre General Manager.
General Directors:
- Craig Bradbery, Silky Oaks Lodge (Baillie Lodges) Chief Operating Officer
- Jeff Gillies, Coral Expeditions Commercial Director
- Joel Gordon, Crystalbrook Collection Area Manager Cairns
- Wayne Reynolds, The Reef Hotel Casino General Manager Hotel (re-elected)
They join Directors Ken Chapman, Norris Carter, Sam Ferguson, Paul Fagg and Mark Evans.
View the 2019-2020 TTNQ Annual Report.
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