Pink in the Tropics marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It was High Tea galore for the ladies of Pink in the Tropics (PITT) to mark October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Pink in the Tropics is a breast cancer support group that aims to help women in the Douglas Shire and surrounding regions feel less isolated during their breast cancer journey.
On Saturday PITT held a High Tea event at High Falls Farm to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer support.
PITT Secretary, Robyn Frahn, said the sold-out event was a huge success and monies raised from the raffles will be donated to the McGrath Breast Care Nurses.
“It was also about raising awareness that there is a support group here locally and they can support you during that difficult time,” she said.

“When I went through breast cancer, I didn't realise there was such great support out there and we just want to let people know that PITT can help.
“We're all in the same boat, we've all gone through it and we want to help.”
The group was formed in 2008 by four local ladies, all diagnosed with breast cancer, who banded together to support one another.
The group has grown and now puts on regular fundraisers and events in the community and most importantly offers women battling the disease emotional support as well as organises services to make day-to-day life during a difficult time a little bit easier.
PITT’s Pink Care Program is offered to those diagnosed with breast cancer and includes services like house cleaning, garden maintenance, fruit and vegetable boxes, flowers, dinner vouchers, handyperson services, meal vouchers, and yoga classes.

PITT President, Deborah Kachel said Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a timely reminder of the importance to get regular check-ups.
“We would like to think that all woman go and have regular checks but sometimes people are afraid to go for all sorts of reasons,” she said.
“It's really important that they do get checked and even regularly check themselves. If you have any concerns, you can always go to your GP and there is a breast cancer screening clinic in Cairns that's really quick and easy to book in to and get checked. The mobile screening bus also makes regular visits to the region.
“We're finding even younger women need to be aware and make sure that they're checking for lumps and abnormalities. The earlier they catch it the better,” Ms Kachel said.

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