Labor commits funding for a Douglas Shire splash park

Labor has announced it will commit $1.5 million towards a splash park to be built in the Douglas Shire.
Member for Cook Cynthia Lui said splash parks were incredibly popular in the Far North and a re-elected Palaszczuk Government would provide two across Cook as part of Queensland’s COVID-19 economic recovery plan.
“There’s no better way of escaping Far North Queensland’s tropical heat than a splash park,” Ms Lui said.
“I’m proud to announce a commitment by the Palaszczuk Labor Government to invest $3 million in another two splash parks - one in the Douglas Shire and the other in Mareeba.
“Construction of two splash parks at $1.5 million each will deliver jobs for local tradies who are critical to Queensland’s COVID-19 economic recovery plan.
- Splash park could finally become a reality
“Not only do splash parks provide a safe place to cool off, they bring families and communities together, which is incredibly important to our way of life on the Cape.”
Ms Lui said a re-elected Palaszczuk Labor Government would work with communities and the Mareeba and Douglas Shire councils to decide park locations.
“Splash parks help to create stronger communities, so it’s important that everybody has an opportunity to have their say on where they should be built,” Ms Lui said.
The news comes just a day after the Douglas Shire Council announced plans to fast track a year-round safe swimming spot in Port Douglas beginning with a short survey to gauge what the community wants.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said Council welcomes the announcement by the Labor Government.
“We are in the planning phase that will form our business case and options for an all year swimming facility and splash park,” he said.
“Over the years there has been many options and locations explored, the short survey to residents going out on Monday 19 October will help to clarify the demand for this facility which we can then get on with completing planning for the project.
“Whilst a good start to helping this project, this announcement doesn’t change our approach as I said previously I am committed to delivering this project in a couple of years as this is an important and essential piece of social capital that will require investment from the State and Federal Governments,” he said.
Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch said at the last election Cynthia Lui committed to splash parks in Pormpuraaw, Mapoon and Napranum.
“Cynthia Lui has delivered on all three which have become much loved community assets and are popular with tourists who support local jobs,” Ms Enoch said.
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