Koko’s call for community involvement in Christmas countdown

Koko Poolside Bar & Kitchen at Peppers Beach Club is launching their community advent campaign and invites all Douglas Shire businesses to get involved.
The appeal is to create increased exposure to Shire businesses during this time while giving locals the opportunity to visit some of the wonderful offering that the region is renowned for.
Jess Whitworth General Manager at Peppers Beach Club said this has been a tough year for us all, as a community we need to support each other.
“We want to get businesses together to spread the merriment on the lead up to the holiday season, this engagement is something the community can get excited about and look forward to each week.
“It will give locals a great opportunity to discover a hidden gem that they may have not been to before,” she said.
Koko’s nine weeks of Christmas Advent countdown begins on Tuesday coinciding with the restaurant’s opening of seven days a week offering all-day dining.
To stuff your stockings with one of the many community prizes, follow Koko Poolside Bar and Kitchen on their socials – Facebook @kokopoolsidebarkitchen – like and follow the advent post to have your name drawn every Friday until Christmas.
That’s right Christmas is just around the corner. For many of us, it is one of the most wonderful times of the year, but unfortunately, this year is 2020.
The team at Koko’s recognizes that the COVID pandemic means that friends, family and business in the community have faced additional challenges this year and may require a helping hand, this is an initiative to give a bit of cheer to the community – something that is needed to lift the spirits.
Koko’s have been passionate towards championing community-minded initiatives. Recently opening their kitchen offering complimentary takeaway meals to anyone in the Port Douglas and surrounding area that had been affected in some way by COVID-19.
The heart of the campaign reflects the true spirit of the Douglas Shire, businesses building businesses – it is with ideas and community support like this that shows the goodwill and resilience of the people who live up here.
Supporting business will be highlighted heavily throughout the campaign encouraging visitation and awareness.
If you are a local business who would like to spotlight themselves while giving back to the community contact Peppers’ Operations Manager Robyn Buick at robyn.buick@peppers.com.au.
Every Monday night Koko Poolside Bar and Kitchen offers something special with their Local’s Night out - featuring live entertainment and a Dutch-Indonesian Rijsttafel experience, bookings essential, call 07 4087 1000 for reservations
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