Funding major issue on Beaver’s wish list

One Nation’s candidate for Cook, Brett ‘Beaver’ Neal, is working hard on the campaign trail for the state election on 31 October and is compiling a wish list she will take to parliament, if elected.
Mayor Michael Kerr has provided Beaver with the shire’s wish list of its top 10 projects that need funding, which she has taken on board.
“I’ve been travelling the height and breadth of the Cook electorate, speaking to everyone about community needs, and I’m accumulating a good list, and the Douglas Shire is on the ball making sure I know their major priorities,” Beaver said.
Read more about Beaver and her plans here and read the full list of candidate profiles at Newsport's 2020 election coverage page.
“I’ll be taking this list with me to Parliament, negotiating with the Government to push for funds that will see these items realised. Like I’ve been saying, leave it to Beaver.”
The top priorities on the list include:
- Funding for a second water intake to collect water from local mountains and streams in the dry season ($6.15m);
- The Port Douglas Pool and Splash Park is vital to provide a safe, year-round swimming facility for the enjoyment of locals and tourists ($7m);
- Improvements to the Foxton Bridge which is susceptible to flooding during rain periods that can cut off access for 3100 people and also disrupt tourism traffic, including many busses daily ($2.5m).
“These are important wish list items that all have a practical purpose that will help make life better for the people of Douglas Shire as well as the many visitors to the region,” Beaver said.
Beaver, a professional boxer and rugby player, also noted the need for improved sporting facilities in the shire.
The council hopes to improve sporting facilities in Port Douglas and Mossman to tap in to increasing opportunities in sports tourism (sports precinct upgrade - $2m-$3m).
“I’m a big believer in the importance of sport to youth but also to local communities – it relieves boredom and helps counteract crime, promotes discipline, friendship, responsibility and health.
“I appreciate the contact from Mayor Kerr to make sure I’m well aware of the local issues and the important infrastructure projects that need state and federal government support,” she said.
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