Douglas card offers numerous ‘free’ opportunities

With the launch of the annual Douglas Card promotion, Far North Queenslanders can ‘Do It In Douglas’ for free over the next four months.
Douglas Shire Council and Tourism Port Douglas Daintree (TPDD) are teaming up to kick-start the regional push to holiday in the Daintree Rainforest this summer.
Unlimited free Daintree Ferry trips and a free entry to the Mossman Gorge headline the annual promotion, which also taps into the lure of the picturesque Great Barrier Reef Drive.
The usual return ferry fee of $31 has been scrapped for local Douglas cardholders until February 29 next year.
Local is classed as residents from Cardwell to Cooktown, including the Atherton Tablelands.

TPDD Chief Executive Officer Tara Bennett said the Douglas Card is like a passport to the region.
“We want people to get excited about the balmy summer months when the Daintree Rainforest comes to life,” she said.
“Right now, while it’s a little bit quieter on the visitor front, is the best time to hit the road and explore your own backyard.
“Grab your Douglas Card to ‘Do It In Douglas’ and see the incredible wildlife and pristine landscapes that encompass two World Heritage sites,” said Bennett.
Council has issued about 4500 cards since the promotion started in 2014.
The cable-powered ferry near the end of the Daintree River is the continuation of the Great Barrier Reef Drive, a 140km long road, which stretches the coastline from the Northern Beaches of Cairns through to Cape Tribulation.
The card also provides discounts to local attractions including two free adult tickets for the Mossman Gorge shuttle bus.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said the Douglas Card promotion came at the perfect time for local tourist operators.
“With COVID-19 restrictions remaining around interstate travel, it is crucial that we look closer to home to attract more regional visitors.
“The Douglas Card promotion is a fantastic incentive for our neighbours to drive up the Captain Cook Highway, down the Rex Range, or along the Bloomfield Track to experience everything our beautiful region had to offer,” said Mayor Kerr.
A new online form is available at Council’s website to make it easier for people to apply for a Douglas Card.
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