COUNCIL MEETING | Popular Port Shorts on Council agenda

Port Shorts funding is on the agenda for tomorrow’s Open Council meeting at 10am in Mossman and this iconic international film festival event of 20 years will be a key item.
According to the Council agenda, it will be presented that Council Repeal a Resolution of its Ordinary Meeting on 30 June 2020, which resolved to:
• Provide one-off funding of $9,000 for Port Shorts for a live broadcast of the event.
• To provide one off funding of $9,000.00 for Port Shorts for the purpose of a three-month campaign presenting the Port Shorts Film Festival on the digital platform 10 Play.
A Resource and Performance Agreement is in place with the Port Shorts Film Festival that began in August 2019 and expires in October 2021, according to Council’s agenda papers.
In a report presented to Council on 30 June 2020, Council voted to provide one-off funding for a live broadcast of the event. As the project developed and with state borders restrictions in place due to COVID 19, the event will now be packaged and presented on the 10-play digital platform for three months.
The proposed broadcast hopes to be available via the digital station from 1 November 2020 through to 1 February 2021.
The Port Shorts Film Festival has been an iconic international film festival event for 20 years that highlights local and regional short films and incorporates classes for upcoming filmmakers in the area.
The Port Shorts Film Festival attracts the best short films from local, regional and international film makers with more than $15,000 in cash and prizes in various awards.
Council increased funding and support for the event at a regular Council meeting on the 30th of June 2020 to assist in the delivery of the event through the impacts of COVID 19, and to ensure its continuation for the future.
The Mossman Golf course will also be a focus of the meeting.
Mossman Memorial Bowls Club have declined Council’s offer of a lease or management of Mossman Golf Club, however, have been supporting the newly established Mossman Golf Club Incorporation in advice, policy development and in-kind support of operating the Mossman Golf Club in the future.
Mossman Golf Club Incorporation has expressed an interest in a management agreement of the golf course from Council to operate the Mossman Golf Club.
Mossman Golf Club Incorporation is willing to undertake a three-year management agreement (lease) with Council that will be responsible for operating the golf course, minor repairs and maintenance, upkeep of lawns, gardens and greens of the Golf Club, according to the agenda papers.
The terms of the management agreement would initially be for 12 months with an option of extending to a further two years upon agreement of both parties, with the rent of:
- Nil in year one
- $10,000 in year two
- $20,000 in year three
And the meeting will decide whether Council provide Mossman State High School with $500 (GST Exc) cash as a Gold Sponsor of the Awards Presentation on 18 November 2020.
Agenda for Tuesday’s Council meeting:
- 5.1 Interim Wonga Beach Foreshore Management Plan
- 5.2 FNQROC – Regional Development Manual Planning Scheme Policy – Review of Submissions and Adoption of Amendments for Version 11/19 (Issue 8)
- 5.3 Water and Wastewater Quarterly Report for the period ending 30 September 2020
- 5.4 Monthly Financial Report September 2020
- 5.5 QAO Final Management Report 2019-2020
- 5.6 Mossman State High School Annual Presentation November 2020 – Request for Sponsorship
- 5.7 Appointment of Audit Committee
- 5.8 Christmas Period Annual Shutdown
- 5.9 Investigation Policy
- 5.10 Annual Report 2019-2020
- 5.11 2021 Council Meeting Dates
- 5.12 Operational Plan Progress Report for period July to September 2020
- 5.13 CEO Report for period July to September 2020
- 6.1 Notice to Repeal Motion – Mossman Golf Course Lease
- 6.2 Notice to Repeal Motion – Request for Funding from Port Shorts Film Festival
The meeting will be live-streamed online and an audio of the meeting will be available on the Council Website at the time the minutes are made available.
Visit the Council website for more info.
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