Brown calls for stronger voice in Cook electorate

The State election is just around the corner and there are eight candidates officially vying for our seat of Cook. Over the next few weeks through a series of articles Newsport will introduce them.
LNP candidate in the October 31 state election, Edward ‘Nipper’ Brown, says he is vying for the Cook electorate seat because there has not been a strong voice for the past two terms.
“Because of my background, I fully understand the complex nature of this electorate and know that each community has localised issues which I intend to tackle. I am a firm believer that every issue whether it is big or small matters to somebody and everybody deserves representation,” he said.
“We have so much potential in this electorate and it needs to be unleashed. The best way to accomplish it is to be part of the decision making and convince the south that what works down there does not automatically work up here.
“For as we go out of this current pandemic, it is crucial that we have a loud voice in a team with strong economic policies and plans to get Queensland working again. It is also important to have someone who is willing to work with all local Governments to achieve the best results for this great electorate,” said Brown.
Brown was born in Mossman and grew up in Julatten. He served as a councillor on the Mareeba Shire from 2013 until this year’s local government elections and he was narrowly defeated in the mayoral contest.
In his early years, he worked for Telstra in the field across the electorate including Thursday Island, Mossman and Port Douglas.
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“In the later years, I entered management roles finishing in Mareeba as District Manager. In recent years, he has expanded his own business which includes entertainment, (mechanical bull and music hire). He expanded into the waste industry in 2007 and is currently still active in this role with 10 staff.
“I am a rural fire brigade member and volunteer of many not-for-profit organisations. I am an independent Director for the Muluridji Tribal organisation; Special Interest Director of the Mareeba Heritage Museum.
The recently completed Savannah Summer series concert happened as a result of my lobbying and canvassing to obtain the initial feasibility funding,” he said.
His platform is based on the following:
Health - Get our waiting lists under control and our hospitals working.
“I will be lobbying on returning Mossman Hospital to a full maternity unit and a CT Scanner for the hospital. There are other issues in health right across our electorate which need attention like maternity in Weipa, dialysis in Mareeba, accommodation in Pormpuraaw and Cooktown’s hospital needs a rebuild, to name a few.”
Re-build the Qld economy and support tourism and hospitality – “As the local member I will be working with the hospitality and tourism industry throughout the Douglas Shire ensuring we can get visitors here throughout the year.
“Our marketing should include the green season. I will be advocating for events and infrastructure that will be a feature and draw visitors back to the shire. An example is the Mossman Botanical Gardens project or the Wangetti Trail.
“The Douglas Shire Co-operative’s idea of a tourism site and accommodation booking platform has my full support. The facilities across all of the electorate especially in the Douglas Shire are capable of holding unique world class events drawing people to the region such as Carnival. I will be working with all stakeholders to secure events.”
Youth Crime – “What is happening now is unacceptable and needs to be fixed in various locations in the electorate. The Douglas Shire does not suffer to the same degree as say Mareeba. But in Mareeba we need to look and have a different approach as clearly what we are doing to reduce it is not working so we need to change.
“We need to ascertain why it is more prevalent in some areas and work with the people on the ground, not the bureaucrats to reduce it.”
Water Security – “We will build dams. I will lobby to have the Lakeland Irrigation scheme included in the list of future dams.
“I will work with the Douglas shire to get better water infrastructure preventing the current water restrictions. This would include a second intake and a possible water storage area.”
Back to basics in education – “We will employ over 300 more teachers and 700 aides. We want to declutter the Education System and focus on the basics.”
Brown says roads are important right across the electorate but the main area of contention for the Douglas shire is the Daintree crossing. “Council has put the choice to the people I will be working with Council toward achieving the people's decision.”
“I will be looking at all the boat ramps in the electorate, in particular Newell Beach and will hold a public meeting within three weeks of the election if successful to consult with residents about the proposed structure.
“I will have a meeting with all stakeholders of the Mossman hospital including CHHHS within the first month about achieving a full maternity unit.
“I will meet with Port Douglas Daintree Tourism, the Botanical Garden Board and the Port Douglas Co-Operative within the first month to map the way forward as I strive and promise to be a voice for a everybody and accessible to everyone.”
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