$10,000 target for Mayor’s Christmas appeal

Local business owners have been presented with a challenge to assist Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr reach $10,000 for the Christmas appeal.
And Mayor Michael Kerr is calling on businesses to join the local Meals On Wheels’ push to match fundraising efforts for the 2020 Mayor’s Christmas Appeal.
Local businesses Zammataro Plumbing and Hatfield Electrical have made a dollar-for-dollar commitment to the organisation’s fundraising, which happens with a popular Mossman Meats meat tray raffle every Friday night at the Mossman Exchange Hotel during November.
Mayor Kerr is looking for local businesses in Port Douglas to join the efforts to help him reach the $10,000 target for this first Mayor’s Christmas Appeal.
“Already we have some generous businesses leading the way in Mossman and I am sure we can get a similar response in Port Douglas,” he said.
“Douglas Shire Meals on Wheels do a fantastic job looking out for our community and I would like to see strong community buy-in for this initiative.
“Money raised through the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal will go towards hampers to ensure there is enough to go round over during the festive season,” said Mayor Kerr.
To get involved, please contact comdev@douglas.qld.gov.au
Meanwhile, the 2020 Mayor’s Christmas Luncheon will be at Salsa Bar & Grill on Thursday, 19 November at 12pm.
By supporting this event, you will help raise money for Christmas hampers to bring some joy in this time of need.
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