Tropic Court residents concerned over tree removal

“Tree removal will only make room for a parking lot,” echoed concerned residents.
Respective Tropic Court owners and residents in Port Douglas were left on a limb when they received an unexpected “Proposed Safety Improvements” notice issued by the Douglas Shire Council that will see the removal of various palms lining the street.
The notice stated “Several residents in the street contacted Douglas Shire Council concerned that pedestrians are forced to walk on the road because plants on the road verge on both sides leave no room for walkers.
“Officers met with residents and after discussions, the following work is planned for mid-November 2020,” continued the notice.
The works included are the removal of Golden Cane clusters and Alexander palms on the left side of the street, providing a grass verge for pedestrians.
Six-year homeowner at Tropic Court Ian Bilney is apprehensive that the removal of the palms will make it safer for residents to walk down the grass.
“The only thing that stops cars parking on the grass is the palms. So, therefore, when there are no palms, the cars will park there and the so-called ‘problem' will still be there.
“But this time damage is being done to the nature strip from vehicles which will affect drainage and no doubt property value,” said Mr Bilney.
The Douglas Shire Council sent out the proposal to best ensure every resident has their say in the suggested safety improvements.
A Douglas Shire Council spokesman said Council is currently working with individual residents and landowners about pedestrian safety issues caused by vegetation on the road verge in Tropic Court, Port Douglas.
“Owners were emailed, and letters were dropped to residents advising of proposed safety improvements in the area and our community liaison officer is now collecting feedback.
“Council staff will assess the feedback and decide the best way to make the street safer for the community and expects to go back to residents this week.”
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