Mossman’s newest school holds open day for community

The region’s newest independent primary school recently held an open day, inviting the community in to see what it is all about.
The Tropical North Steiner School is currently open for enrolments, and school committee member, Dr Alex Bernhardi said they can’t wait to welcome students through the doors next year.
“Our Open Community Day last Saturday was a big success; we had over 50 people attend,” she said.
The open day allowed those who attended to experience different activities and aspects of Steiner learning as well as hear from their future teachers.
TNSS is driven by the Australian Steiner Curriculum which follows a creative approach to critical literacy and numeracy as well teaching children life skills such as growing their own vegetable gardens, cooking what they produce, measuring ingredients for baking, knitting and other very nourishing hands-on activities that develop their left and right brain hemispheres as well as their willingness and sense of purpose.
- New schooling option set to open its doors in Mossman in 2021

“The kids thoroughly enjoyed the new sandpit, digging for crystals, listening to stories in the story tent, and participated with ease and interest in baking, beeswax modelling, and wet felting,” Dr Bernhardi said.
“We were very honoured that our Mayor as well as our deputy Mayor, Lisa Scomazzon, came along, which gave the new school a feeling of support and welcome.”
Dr Bernhardi said Monika Prins from Biodynamics FNQ shared her knowledge with the audience and helped the children plant a tree to show them about the dedication and passion needed to grow plants.
“Julie Verri, Board director, and Isla Jaquet, our soon-to-be principal teacher, gave a fascinating and concise talk about the Steiner philosophy and I added some short words of wisdom in regard to how we can help to raise healthy children by steering clear of processed food,” Dr Bernhardi said.

“We have had a wonderful group of helpers and we also appreciate a microgrant from the Douglas Shire Council that has helped us to plan this event.”
For those of you not familiar with Steiner Schools here are some of the main features:
- Independent & non-denominational
- Australian as well as Internationally recognised curriculum
- Focus on a holistic balance of academic, creative, social, & emotional development
- Healthy kitchen garden program
- Development of life skills
- Building confidence
- Fostering a love of life long learning
- Raising well rounded & capable adults
Tropical North Steiner School is taking enrolments for children entering Prep to Class 3 in 2021. The school then will naturally grow to eventually include Grade 6.

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