DAB’s quality work is on display



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DAB artists: Ellen Terrell, Mandy Ryan, Inger Rowe, Sue Burthelsen. Image: Karlie Brady.

The outstanding work produced by local artists will be on display at DAB's (Douglas Arts Studio Gallery) Annual Art Exhibition.

The event runs from Saturday 14 November until Saturday 12 December, and showcases a wide variety of over 250 quality works that have been created by over 30 local artists during the year. 

Art on display includes a fabulous range of acrylic and watercolour paintings, botanical paintings, urban sketches, pottery, glass work, jewellery and mosaics.

Unfortunately, this year, due to restrictions, there will not be an opening night. And DAB is encouraging residents and visitors to come in, grab some unique and affordable Christmas gifts, and support local artists.

The gallery is open Monday to Saturday, 10 am - 2 pm and is located at 11 Mill Street, Mossman, opposite the library.

For more information: www.dabmossman.com and www.facebook.com/dabmossman

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