Adopted masterplan paves way for major sporting upgrades

A masterplan for the Port Douglas and Mossman sporting grounds will pave the way for local facilities get bold new facelifts while also putting the region on the map in the sports tourism market.
The Port Douglas Sports Complex and Coronation Park Master Plan was adopted by Douglas Shire Council this week after considerable feedback from local sporting clubs and the general public after a draft plan was published in July.
The document will help local sporting clubs, organisations and Council attract investment from State and Federal Governments,.
The plan proposes the creation of a network of strategically developed, high-quality sport and recreation facilities in the region which could accommodate regional, state, national and even international competitions and events.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said each sports ground played an important role in the community.
“This master plan is a road map for upgrades and new facilities that have been carefully considered as part of a region-wide sport and recreation facility network,” he said.
Classifieds: Douglas Shire Public Notices and Council Notices

“The passion of the Port Douglas and Mossman communities was highlighted during extensive consultation, and this passion will ensure that locals will feel engaged and invested in the future development of both sites.”
For Port Douglas, the masterplan includes a new indoor sports and entertainment centre, a synthetic hockey field, relocated cricket practice nets, a mountain bike learning and training circuit, a multi-use sporting and public recreation field, and digital scoreboards.
Upgrades are also billeted for Mossman’s Coronation Park (Showgrounds), including new fields to support junior rugby league and hockey as well as new amenities.
Lighting upgrades are also featured at both sites as well as at Cassowary Park, home of the Douglas United Football Club, which would allow the senior club to return to the park for training and competition as the current lights have forced them to relocate to Port Douglas.
Council’s Sports and Recreation Officer Renee Ker said the masterplan would support growth in sport for the community.
“Facilities in the masterplan are featured through evidence-based need to maximise space for future development of sports and active recreation infrastructure,” she said.
“We now have a plan that ensures buildings at sports grounds can be upgraded in a methodical way that has community support.”
Sharon Beechey, President of the Douglas Netball Association, said she was happy to see the masterplan, which includes the netball grounds, approved.
“I’m glad to see plans for improvements in local sport being made,” she said.
“We have been working with Council to apply for grants for the upgrades and new infrastructure that we desperately need.”
“Our four courts are in very port condition and need improvement as soon as possible, so our 2021 competition can kick off bigger and better after not competing in 2020 due to Covid.”
View full Masterplan here.
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