Mossman Hospital ready as more COVID-19 cases confirmed in Cairns



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With more cases of COVID-19 now confirmed in Cairns, the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (CHHHS), which includes Mossman Hospital, said it is prepared.

There has now been a total of five confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Cairns Health Service region.

The second patient diagnosed is a local resident who recently returned from overseas. He has been carefully following health advice.

- First case of COVID-19 confirmed in Cairns

He is being managed by Tropical Public Health Services (Cairns) who are contact-tracing anyone who may have been exposed to an infectious COVID-19 case.

The third, fourth, and fifth cases are believed to be three people who travelled home from the United States.

Queensland has 60 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus today raising the state total to 319.

Queensland Health said all Hospital and Health Services across the state have strategies and plans in place to respond to COVID-19 and ensure adequate supplies, equipment, staff and contingencies across all hospitals, including hospitals in the Douglas Shire.

“The community can rest assured that all necessary work is going on to best prepare for local outbreaks of COVID-19,” Queensland Health said.

The CHHHS began preparing in January for the COVID-19 response across all of its hospitals.

The situation is rapidly evolving and CHHHS is involved in meetings every day at a state, regional and local level to coordinate the response and forward plan.

Queenslanders are reminded that they play an enormous role in controlling the spread of COVID-19.

The more everyone follows the advice to wash their hands and stay home when they’re sick, the fewer people will catch novel coronavirus.

You can protect yourself by washing your hands often and properly, staying home when you’re sick, and staying 1.5 metres away from people.

Queenslanders are eligible for testing if they have a fever or respiratory symptoms and have been overseas in the last 14 days or have been in close contact with a confirmed novel coronavirus case.

Calling ahead to the GP clinic or hospital to let them know your symptoms and travel history helps them prepare for your arrival.

Anyone with concerns can call 13 HEALTH or find up-to-date reliable information on the Queensland Health website at 

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