Mossman Gorge Centre and Cape York Communities restrict access


Karlie Brady


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Mossman Gorge Centre has temporary closed in response to COVID-19.

The Mossman Gorge Centre has temporarily closed from today, 17 March as a precautionary measure to reduce the potential exposure and spread of COVID-19 within the local Indigenous community.

According to the Department of Health, there is greater risk of COVID-19 causing serious illness in individuals living in communities with high rates of chronic disease, such as some remote Indigenous communities.

In a statement, the Mossman Gorge Centre has said the health and safety of the local Indigenous community, our visitors, and staff is our number one priority.

“As we navigate the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, our thoughts are with the individuals and communities affected worldwide,” the statement reads.

“In consultation with the local community, the Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation (BBNAC), we feel it an important and necessary precaution to reduce potential exposure and spread of the virus, and one that aligns with the advice of the Australian government and the World Health Organisation.

"Our immediate priority is working with our staff and community on future arrangements. We will use the next 2 weeks to fully explore future operating options and will make a further announcement in due course."

Meanwhile, remote communities in Cape York have also been locked down, with the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) placing travel restrictions on air, sea, and land access to towns including including Bamaga, Seisia, Injinoo, Umagico, and New Mapoon.

Only essential or urgent outwards and inwards travel will be permitted.

“The community is well aware of the potential threat to the health of the Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) community and especially the vulnerable,” a statement from the NPARC reads.

 “Outwards travellers must be aware of the risk of not being permitted back into community depending on advice from Queensland Health as amended from time to time.”

Inwards travellers to the NPA will be subject to travel at the absolute discretion of the carrier, Sea Swift for sea travel and Regional Express for air travel, each of whom are guided by the Queensland Health Government website.

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