Mass gatherings of over 500 people to be cancelled



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Mass gatherings of 500 people or more are set to be cancelled from Monday across the country.

In an unprecedented move, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, this afternoon in a press conference advised against holding non-essential organised public gatherings with crowds of more than 500 people, effectively banning a number of concerts and cultural events and preventing spectators from attending large sporting events.

It is not yet known how long the ban will be in place or if it will have any impact on the Douglas Shire.

The move comes after the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting where the Prime Minister, state premiers and chief ministers were given the advice by Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy.

“It has been recommended to us that we move to a position by Monday where we will be advising against organised non-essential gatherings of 500 people or greater from Monday,” Mr Morrison said.

“That, of course, doesn’t include schools, it doesn’t include university lectures, it doesn’t mean people getting on public transport, going to airports or things of that nature.

“These events that we are seeking to advise against and restrict are for nonessential, organised gatherings of persons of 500 or more.”

Mr Morrison said a national cabinet made up of state premiers and territory chief ministers would be formed to deal with the crisis.

“There will be many issues to work through between now and Monday as we get the precise advice about the implementation of that advice to Australians around the country,” he said.

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