Marine Rescue’s Mossman High training program gets funding boost



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Douglas Shire Councillors Abigail Noli, Roy Zammataro and Mayor Julia Leu with members of the MRPD with the whiteboard at the commissioning ceremony. Image: Supplied.

The Port Douglas Marine Rescue (MRPD) and Mossman State High School Student Trainee Coxswain program has welcomed a much-needed boost, receiving a $5,800 donation from the Douglas Shire Council through the Community Grants program.

The Grant will support the expansion of the program which allows students to work towards a maritime career as well as gain new skills by training to become Commercial Maritime Coxswains.

The program was established last year and saw three Mossman students train with the number expanded to 14 students this year.

A Coxswain is a person in charge of the navigation and steering of a boat and upon completion of their training, students will be equipped with the necessary skills to command a commercial vessel up to 12 metres.

The grant was for an interactive whiteboard that will be invaluable as a training aid for the program.

Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the Council has been closely involved with MRPD in their transition to Volunteer Marine Rescue over the past three years.

“Our whole community is excited by the Mossman High program they have implemented, and we are very pleased to support it,” she said.

MRPD President Ross Wood said, “Douglas Shire is a close-knit community and we enjoy working with them to improve our service not only to mariners – but the community in general.”

The student training program has also been boosted by the recommissioning of the RV Mossman which has been returned to service this week.

The RV Mossman was commissioned 20 years ago and operated for many years as MRPD’s primary vessel and has now been refurbished.

Mr Wood said the RV Mossman will run as MRPD’s second vessel and complements the larger RV Port Douglas.

“It provides great flexibility in Dickson Inlet and will be a valuable addition to our Mossman State High School Coxswain training program,” he said.

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