LETTER | Defamatory post on social media


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Dear Editor,

A post, which appeared on the Port Douglas/Mossman Buy Swap and Sell on Sunday morning, which questioned the integrity of a number of well-known people in the shire, including me, is something which I feel cannot be ignored. I cannot speak on behalf of the others. However, there was an insinuation and/or questioning of my integrity as the General Manager of the Douglas Community & Sports Club. Comments such as: "Suspicious use of Club funds", were used. It was stated: "In the last two years $51K has been spent on travel reimbursements, unclear as for who and why."

This so-called person took information that is freely available on the Club’s Website and changed it around to suit himself in what I believe is potentially defamatory towards me. Members, who I am responsible to through the elected Management Committee, are fully aware of the Audit process the Club goes through and that they have an opportunity to question anything that they have concerns with in the Financial Report at every Annual General Meeting, which they do.

If this person wishes an explanation to the Audited Financial Report, I am more than happy to provide it and would be more than happy for him to post it. However, I believe that what this person has done is unacceptable and bordering on disgusting and I also feel is purely political, especially during this part of the election. This post was taken down within 30 minutes of the posting. However, I managed to get a Screenshot for future reference.

I decided to investigate to find out who this person was on Facebook. I found that there were two Facebook Pages with the same information, so obviously he/she knew what he was doing. However, I did find that he/she had several friends on his/her page. Much to my dismay I found that there were two Candidates who are standing for election as his/her friends. I am not sure whether or not they are aware of what was posted but it concerns me that they may have been associated with such a post.

Again I took a screenshot to ensure I had the facts. This was also closed not long after. Understanding how Facebook works and how to Friend someone, you would and should know the person you are friending.

I believe that all those involved should come clean and apologise for any harm they may have caused, not only to myself but others on the Port.

I intend to take this matter further and hopefully we will get to the bottom of it!

- Kym Rowley - 2020 Councillor candidate 

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