Captain Cook Highway closure not confirmed


Recent reports of the closure of the Captain Cook Highway between Port Douglas and Cairns are not confirmed says Douglas Shire Council in a statement this morning.

"Council has not been formally advised about any road closures into Douglas Shire," a spokesperson for Council said.

"Queensland Police has a dedicated COVID-19 taskforce which is working with stakeholders, including the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Local Government, to put in place measures to protect our communities."

Newsport received numerous communications after social media speculated the closure yesterday.

VIDEO: Watch video of the Captain Cook Highway, part of the Great Barrier Reef Drive

"The COVID-19 response is being managed through the Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements, which includes the Douglas Local Disaster Management Group,” Council said.

“Council supports measures put in place by the Queensland and Australian governments to reduce the risk of COVID-19.

"Council is providing timely local updates to the community via its website, traditional media and social media channels; and will continue to inform the community about any impacts once they are made available."

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