Council’s advice for vulnerable residents

Douglas Shire Council is backing the National Cabinet’s advice for vulnerable residents to self-isolate at home as much as possible.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has more serious impacts on older Australians, those over 70 years of age and Australians with existing health conditions or comorbidities.
- Over 70 years of age;
- Over 60 years of age who have existing health conditions or comorbidities;
- Indigenous Australians over the age of 50 who have existing health conditions or comorbidities.
These groups should limit contact with others as much as possible when they travel outside.
Council is taking a compassionate approach to dealing with outstanding payments and wants to encourage residents in the above categories to stay home, rather than worry about meeting payment due dates.
While Council’s walk-in customer service has closed, rates and water payments can be made at post offices in Port Douglas and Mossman.
Please call 4099 9444 about your individual circumstances.
Online Payments
Residents can go to Council’s website to access a full range of services, including:
- Payment of rates
- Renewing registrations
- Reporting a problem
Payments by MasterCard and Visa Card can be made conveniently via the Secure Online Payment page.
Those aged persons having trouble navigating online services, can call 4099 9444 for help.
Reporting Issues To Council
To report a problem, provide feedback or ask a question, residents are also encouraged to use the direct messaging service at Council’s Facebook page or complete the online form here.
Council staff will only respond to enquiries during business hours.
Please include your full name, address, contact details and information relating to your enquiry when directly messaging the Council Facebook page.
If your enquiry requires an urgent response, please call Council directly on 4099 9444, or email:
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